Tuesday, December 20, 2011

In Times Of Uncertainty

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you weren’t sure what do, a situation where nothing made sense? Maybe you have been looking for a job and nothing seems to be opening up. Or possibly you’re at a time and place in your life where you are wondering, God what in the world are you doing up there or what in the world should I be doing down here? Maybe you’re in a relationship that’s having difficulties or are in a season of your life where nothing seems to make sense. We’ve all been in a situation that hasn’t made sense or maybe we just went through this type of situation, or will encounter one at some point. But the question that comes with these situations is what do I do when common sense ends? What do I do when nothing makes sense?

Have you ever been skydiving? While visiting a friend in Idaho I decided to take the thrill of jumping from a place. When arriving at the airport where we would be receiving our instruction from a staff of friendly people welcomed us. We started the morning by engaging in a class like session where we sat and listened to the sky diving instructor for directions on what we would be doing.  Following the instructional session everyone who was making the jump piled into the little Cessna, single prop plane and prepared for takeoff.

This last Sunday I spoke to our young adult’s group about the story of Mary and Joseph found in Matthew 1:18-25. This story not only highlights the birth of Jesus but tells an interesting story about two individuals who were in a situation where common sense ended and obedience began. They found themselves in a situation like ours where common sense ended and things didn’t make sense. Joseph who was probably between 18 and 20 years of age just found out that Mary (probably between 12 and 16 years old), whom he was betrothed to, is pregnant with a child by the Holy Spirit. If found in this situation, things probably wouldn’t make sense at all to me, yet Joseph chose to respond in a righteous and mature way.

Once our plane reached the proper altitude we opened the side door to prepare to jump. At that point common sense went out the window, along with my stomach. Because jumping out of the plane didn’t make any sense at that moment. But I knew that at this point it was safer for me to obey the instruction from the experts than to freak out. Joseph was also at a place in his life where nothing made sense but he chose to do what was right. In verses 20-21 an Angel of the Lord visits him to encourage his decisions and to confirm what Mary had told him. This was a huge help I’m sure to the confused Joseph.

In times of uncertainty, in order to be certain we must find that which is certain first. Meaning we must look to that which is constant, reliable, unfailing, a truth that has endured testing and time. The promise the Angel gave Joseph in his dream is a truth that has lasted the testing of time. God’s words are true and reliable. Of the over 300 prophesies about Jesus’ life from birth to death to resurrection, not one was left unfulfilled. The Word of God is true and lasting because God who inspired it is faithful, true, and everlasting. He is true to His word and will uphold every promise He gives.

So in order to be certain in times of uncertainty we can be certain when our certainty is founded on God’s promises. We can be certain when we stand on that which is true, reliable, infallible, and trusted.

When I jumped from the plane I was obedient to what I knew was for certain and that is what the instructors taught me. When Joseph heard the words of the Angel he did what he knew was right even if it didn’t all make sense. See, in our times of uncertainty, we must stand upon the promises of God. The Word is more than text, it’s power. The Word is power in our lives. If you are in uncertain times of your life I encourage you to get in the Word. Read it, memorize God’s promises, and spend time saturating your mind with it. The Word is what helps us endure through those uncertain times, knowing that God will be true and faithful to fulfill His promises.

As a final thought, think about the fruit of Mary and Joseph’s obedience to God’s promise. Even though things may not have made any sense at the time, God was orchestrating the greatest blessing of all, the birth of our Savior. See, we may not have any idea of what God is doing, things in our life may not make sense, but if you stand on God’s promises the result will be something far greater than we could have planned on our own. God might be orchestrating the greatest blessing of all during this season of your life.

So I encourage you, spend time in the Word, spend time with God, and stand on His promises during these times of uncertainty. Because you can be certain of one thing, and it’s that God is faithful and true to fulfilling all His promises.

Leadership Challenge of the week: Pray for someone you lead or know and ask God to give you a promise from scripture, a verse that will be encouragement to that person. Write that verse/promise down and give it to that individual.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

That Very Hour

Have you ever opened your Bible, began reading and when you finish, you think to yourself, “What in the world did that mean?” The Bible is full of wisdom and insight but sometimes we have to dig a little deeper into the cultural and historical background of a story to really grasp the full meaning of what was written.

Most recently I read Matthew 15:21-28, the story of the gentile who shows her faith. In this story a mother approaches Jesus because her daughter is severely demon possessed because she believes that Jesus is the only way her daughter will receive healing and deliverance. The preceding interaction that takes place between her and Jesus can seem very confusing if taken at face value. You will read that at first Jesus ignores the woman and then goes on to refer to her as a dog which seems very unloving and unlike Jesus to do.

As we dive deeper into this story, we realize that Jesus is using the metaphor of a cute little household doggy and a child to illustrate a very important point. Through this illustration, Jesus is teaching His disciples and readers a life changing point. Additionally, He is leading the woman to step out in boldness and faith, a faith that Jesus later says leads Him to heal her daughter.

The comments and remarks exchanged between Jesus and the lady are actually drawing up some interesting information. We learn from their conversation that although many believed Jesus was sent to be the savior only to the Jews, He has actually come to be savior to all. See, this woman understood what everyone else missed. She knew that it’s not up to everyone else to determine who gets saved and who doesn’t or who is qualified or able to receive and experience God’s grace and who isn’t. She knew that she was a sinner and was outside of God’s chosen people, His covenant people. But she also knew that if she could just experience an ounce of His grace, everything would be okay for her daughter.

We are all unworthy and undeserving of God’s grace, but the great thing is that He has chosen to freely give it to all who choose to accept it. The point of the message is this: That the smallest amount of God’s grace is enough for the most undeserving. Even those of us who are furthest from God, those who think of themselves as the worst people, or who have run so far from God it seems there is no way He could love us. His grace is for everyone, and even the smallest amount of God’s grace is enough for the most undeserving.

This woman understood this. She knew if she could just have an ounce it would be more than enough for all she needed. Verse 28 goes on to say that in that very hour her daughter was healed because of her faith. Now real quick, an example I used in last week’s sermon was this: Comfort zones are like cooking a live frog. If you put the frog in a pot of hot water it will jump right out. But if you put the frog in a pot of cold water and slowly heat the pot, he’ll be too comfortable to realize he’s dieing. Now don’t go trying this at home, I’d rather you just get the point of the story which is this; being uncomfortable is what saves us. Being uncomfortable is what saved this woman’s daughter. Because she was willing to be uncomfortable while approaching Jesus in a place she wasn’t wanted and looked down upon her daughter was saved. It’s when we become comfortable that often we begin to slowly die inside. It’s uncomfortable to wake up early and spend time with God. But without it we slowly die inside.

It was because of this woman’s boldness she stepped out in faith to boldly approach Jesus with her need. She knew she was undeserving, a sinner, and outside of God’s chosen people. But she knew something many of us need to know and even respond to. That God’s grace is for everyone and the smallest amount of God’s grace is enough for the most undeserving.

Maybe right now, in this very hour, you need to boldly approach Jesus with your struggles and difficulties, your deepest needs, and in this very hour God wants to do something mighty in your life. Remember, the smallest amount of God’s grace is enough for the most undeserving. It’s enough for whatever you are going through. If God is placing something in your life on your heart right now, I encourage you, boldly approach Jesus and ask Him for His grace and He will freely give it.

Leadership Challenge of the week: Find someone in your workplace, school, home, or community who you know needs God’s grace and pray this week for them. Maybe someone needs grace from you. How can you be an example of Christ and share God’s grace with them?